Tuesday, August 17, 2010

3 Reasons to Write

Missing hearing the sound of English and reading, sitting up in the room drawing, but more importantly the realization that my Japanese professors didn't read the papers I wrote, I started writing about ridiculous things, Haiku and moon men for poetry class, urinating in the alleyways for a class on Japanese law. It was so easy to write what I was interested in, rather than force my words into imagined expectations. Wow. It blew my mind, the idea to write whatever I want to write, and the discovery that there lots of things to write.

__"In the first half of the poem, I said that our school had the finest teachers there ever were. And in the latter half, I said our class was the greatest class ever graduated. So at graduation, when I read the poem, naturally everybody applauded loudly."
__"That was the way I began to write poetry." Langston Hughes,
_____________________________________-The Big Sea

Morning in San Francisco. I've been dreaming of acid reflux, the feeling I get when failure appears. Dreaming dreaming dreaming. I dreamt I had no Christmas presents to give. I dreamt of fighting with students. For a while, two weeks ago I dreamt of things bigger than myself I dreamt I kept moving, not giving up like Senator Joe Biden or the McCain campaign.