Wednesday, March 14, 2007

it seems to me that there is something cruel about keeping a pet or more like cruel in the sense that they wait for you to come home not a chance of independence for thier entire lives or maybe cruel to oneself for taking on the responsibility of another creatures life that isn't human i mean a cat like the one sitting on the floor here and who's to say she wouldn't be better off sitting on the floor somewhere else with another cat on a sunny day in june in september i asked a question and pets come to mind a dog walks through the park without a leash and at least i know now that i do have a cat to call my own on loan from amys cousin i guess we keep her shes very nice but why do we want to get all caught up in attachment when the cat already had a home or why even am i living with amy if that's the issue or why even bother at all to eat of course yes this is important to stay out of trouble but to foster a dependence dogs and cats people living with horses and afraid to leave one another a sign that i'm hungry but instead ate an entire roll of cookies after getting home from work no penalty just working but i'd like to come back to this issue that i had thought i was going to start writing about that is city living that is brutal for some reason i find that i'm writing much like the letters of wallace stevens i've been reading on accident while trying to read a biography that i picked up because i couldn't find the book i was actually looking for and i'm frustrated i admit with the rugged pace of things and the cat got up to leave and if you've been reading you will of noticed that i haven't been doing too many postings lately and that's on purpose not really feeling it rarely have i been sitting at the computer and given the urge to write something not depressed but thinking about other things and not that interested in writing emails im sure you understand maybe some other time then i'll see you later