yesterday a table and chairs came to the apartment sent via shipping route starting in massachusets sometime in february and arriving here much later the men who delivered the items were no so agreeable stating that upon meeting them that they would not take the aforementioned items into the apartment above just one flight of stairs because simply it was not part of the deal and thus the proposed that i pay them fifty dollars extra to do this as could not carry the said items up a flight of stairs standing outside the building we discussed this not a mention of the rules as i didn't know them all i knew was that the delivery was coming and they were to take it all the way so we went to go look at the things in the truck and i called amy and she called the company or maybe called her mother who made the initial deal with the company and found that yes they were supposed to deliver it all the way but somehow this directive got lost on the way to the delivery men so they said dang well we'll just have to come back some other time when you all work this out and i said well this is stupid i'll give you guys a check for fourty dollars and they said okay we'll take it up for forty dollars and they said cash so i agreed to it i had to go to the corner store to do so and called amy on the way and told her the situation i was quite angry and told amy and she called the company and told them about the cash money offer and i got the money and came back they had already moved most of the items into the hallway by the apartment door and i knew that they were going to get a call from their company soon to reprimand them for their dealings and i opened the door and they started to move in the table and chairs and the call came through and then they got mad saying that the deal was between us and i responded that they were trying to "shake me down" from the beginning and it was tense and we argued and they left the furniture here and i didn't pay them any money though i worried that they would retaliate somehow i offered them a small tip on their disgruntled way out and was met with we don't want you money later amy called to make sure that they were paid by their company for their extra services though it freaked me out arguing with large men about money in my living room and really i could of carried the furniture upstairs on my own skip the trouble but instead the payment had already been made so i could pace around and "be in charge" the moral of the story is none sit down and eat dinner
Friday, March 23, 2007
a friday things couldn't be better question mark couldnt be worse question mark these are question marks without answers in the mid afternoon the time is approximately a few minutes past noon usually around this time i'd be starting up a particular class called narrative documentary but instead spring break hooray no work today instead i'll call home home for the afternoon start to get into the notebook that has been getting filled up with mutterings of a guy at work researching odd little deities for pleasure and money but really there is a lot to say about everything and i hope you don't read too closely when i say the man at the used book store asked me to recite a poem he smelled bad i wandered to a bench and read the book it was dark i was asked can you read in the dark and responded a little and a lot of light shone down a string of lights the kind that surrounds the lake at night not internal but the external happenings strictly in my memory a sight for sore eyes don't spend too much time looking at other people's clothes and then your own desires and placement what have you has you random assault on the mediterranean the book i bought was after a day researching this little dutch man you cant find the link here underline trying to find something intelligent and saleable to say about him but only through history i thought could we get somewhere and so to wikipedia and the dutch and japan and william adams and ieyasu shogunate wow what a man what a time imperial japan armies of thousands and thousands maneuvering and killing one another the rest of the people who knows only later did we start to wonder thus we're without the letters only artifacts like the little dutchman carving holding a wind instrument my hand holding the little dutchman
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
it seems to me that there is something cruel about keeping a pet or more like cruel in the sense that they wait for you to come home not a chance of independence for thier entire lives or maybe cruel to oneself for taking on the responsibility of another creatures life that isn't human i mean a cat like the one sitting on the floor here and who's to say she wouldn't be better off sitting on the floor somewhere else with another cat on a sunny day in june in september i asked a question and pets come to mind a dog walks through the park without a leash and at least i know now that i do have a cat to call my own on loan from amys cousin i guess we keep her shes very nice but why do we want to get all caught up in attachment when the cat already had a home or why even am i living with amy if that's the issue or why even bother at all to eat of course yes this is important to stay out of trouble but to foster a dependence dogs and cats people living with horses and afraid to leave one another a sign that i'm hungry but instead ate an entire roll of cookies after getting home from work no penalty just working but i'd like to come back to this issue that i had thought i was going to start writing about that is city living that is brutal for some reason i find that i'm writing much like the letters of wallace stevens i've been reading on accident while trying to read a biography that i picked up because i couldn't find the book i was actually looking for and i'm frustrated i admit with the rugged pace of things and the cat got up to leave and if you've been reading you will of noticed that i haven't been doing too many postings lately and that's on purpose not really feeling it rarely have i been sitting at the computer and given the urge to write something not depressed but thinking about other things and not that interested in writing emails im sure you understand maybe some other time then i'll see you later
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