walking around a town in west virginia at dusk the skies were purple mostly and cloudy not entirely just across the bottom band looking for dinner with some lad much younger maybe in his early twenties with curly hair a native and the traffic wasn't bad driving around what seemed to be a small town what also seemed to be san diego a large bridge a highway overpass hung over most of our walk down from the parking spot which took a while to find and then to the base of an urban hill i asked him what there was to eat around there and said i don't know the closest street with restaurants was up there and we started walking up and on the way i saw two people both sitting at restaurant tables one was wearing a cowboy hat the other was an old man both looked like they lived there and all of a sudden i'm in the shower still light out trying to get the soap out of my eyes feel a nudge from the front and a jump back saying what the hell there's the kid who was trying to show me dinner smirking curly hair and all i woke myself up after that